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IUI Treatment: Everything You Need to Know About It

IUI treatment in UP

Are you struggling with your infertility problem? If yes, then IUI treatment in UP is the first line of treatment for you. Couples who are trying to conceive but fail can consider undergoing an IUI treatment. However, before you begin this treatment, it is necessary to know about IUI in detail.

What is IUI?

Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) is considered the least invasive fertility process and is also said to be the best alternative to IVF treatment. IUI is mainly accomplished by inserting a large quantity of concentrated sperm close to the fallopian tube to start the procedure. Remember it is the most common type of artificial insemination.

IUI is suggested by doctors usually for less complex infertility problems such as unexplained infertility, low sperm count, mild endometriosis, decreased sperm motility, and hostile cervical mucus. However, this treatment is not meant for women suffering from a pelvic infection, blocked fallopian tubes, and moderate to severe endometriosis.

Who is IUI for?

In case, you or your partner is suffering from a mild problem of infertility like polycystic ovary syndrome or other mild male infertility problems then IUI is definitely the best option for you. But for this, you need to find a reputed IUI clinic like New Life Hospital which is considered as the topmost IUI center in Varanasi UP.

On the other hand, IUI treatment is also great for women suffering from unexplained infertility as well as male partners who earlier had their sperm frozen.

Not only this, Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) is beneficial for people who require donor sperm like a same-sex female couple and heterosexual partners who want to use donor sperm or single women who want to conceive with the help of a sperm donor.

How does IUI works?

IUI usually works through two methods. First, medicines are taken before the IUI process helps a woman ovulate just in time for the process.

The second method is by placing the sperm directly into the uterus of a woman with the help of a catheter. During the process, the sperm should not swim through the vagina as well as the cervix before it makes its way into the uterus and to the egg finally.

Its job now is to only find the egg in the uterus before the egg travels in the fallopian tube lastly. In this way, IUI permits the egg and sperm to meet with just a few barriers which would not be possible in a natural setting.

Does IUI hurt?

You might feel a little discomfort when the catheter is inserted into the uterus via the cervix. But most women say that the process of IUI is not painful as it takes only a few minutes.

So, if you want to overcome your problem of infertility and enjoy parenthood feeling with your partner then visit the best IUI IVF Clinic in Varanasi and get the IUI treatment done.

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